So you just received your gallery full of beautiful images from me, a Lakewood Family Photographer. You might be wondering, “So, now what? Where can I get my photos printed?” I get this question a lot, and good news, I have answers!
For your convenience, all of your photos can be printed directly from your gallery through Millers Print Lab. This is a professional lab that I love. I have done a lot of research and test prints, and this is my favorite print lab. The colors and quality of what you see on your screen will be printed exactly the same.

How does this work?
Millers is a professional print lab typically only offered to professional photographers. However, you can have access to this professional print lab through me–your photographer! I spend a lot of time ensuring that all of the colors in your photos are accurate–skin tones, clothing colors, etc. So I want you to be able to see that come through in your prints.
Does a professional print lab make a difference?
Short answer, YES! A professional print lab has someone whose job is to ensure that your prints are done correctly. Meaning that the printers are calibrated for correct colors, the paper is high quality, and the printer is liable for any incorrect colors printed.
However, if you print your photos at a Walgreen, Walmart, etc. this person is usually not trained at all on how to correctly print photos. The colors and printer are not calibrated and the printer is not liable for any poor quality prints. I always say, if you can buy groceries there..the print quality is not going to be the highest.

How do you order from your gallery?
Simply open your gallery through the email you received, and click on the shopping cart “shop now” in the upper right hand corner. From there, you’ll be able to select the type of product you’d like to order. Nice and easy!
Ordering your prints from your gallery through Millers lab is the only way I can guarantee they will look the way they were intended to.
If you are looking for other options, I recommend Mike’s Camera (if you are local to Colorado), Mpix, and Nations Photo lab.
My favorite part about this is that photos are delivered directly to your home within just a few days! No need to wait very long to display your beautiful photos in your home.
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